Ah evil children!!! So many films, so little time. For this episode our theme is "Return of the Evil Children" as we revisit the Omen Franchise with the 1978 Damien: Omen II and pair it with the 2019 film The Hole in the Ground. Spoilers start around 4:10.

The Omen & The Prodigy
Our theme for this episode: Evil Children!! I feel like this has been our theme before - maybe because there are so many films with evil children? Or maybe because children are evil? Who can say?? Check out our reviews of the 1976 film The Omen, which we have paired...
Pooka & A Nasty Piece of Work
Special Bonus Holiday Episode Number 2!!! For this episode we reviewed two Christmas Horror films from Hulu, both part of the Into the Dark series: Pooka (2018) and A Nasty Piece of Work (2019) Spoilers start around 5:00.
The Wicker Man & Midsommar
Folk Horror is the general theme for this episode which pairs the 1973 The Wicker Man with the 2019 Midsommar. Spoilers Start around 4:10
Candyman & Mercy Black
Our theme for this episode: Viral Horror!! Candyman (1992) and Mercy Black (2019) both deal with horror stories told as urban legends, which may or may not be true. Check out our review and let us know what you think. Spoilers start around 8:10 To read more about the...