Couples move into houses all the time. Sometimes those houses turn out to be haunted. This week we watched two movies with a theme of couples moving into haunted houses: The Inhabitants (2015) & Lovely Molly (2012). Spoilers start around 4:50

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Candyman & Mercy Black
Our theme for this episode: Viral Horror!! Candyman (1992) and Mercy Black (2019) both deal with horror stories told as urban legends, which may or may not be true. Check out our review and let us know what you think. Spoilers start around 8:10 To read more about the...
31 & Terrifier
Creepy Clowns!!!! What an amazing theme for horror!! For this episode we watched the 2016 films "31" and "Terrifier". Both films set on halloween, and both films have some amazingly creepy murder clowns!! Spoilers start around 7:10
The theme of this episode is "Suspiria" or it could be "Homage" or it could be "Creepy Evil Dancing Witches." No matter the theme, this time we watched the 1977 version of Dario Argento's Suspiria alongside the 2018 version. Spoilers start around 5:50
The Lords of Salem & Green Room
Rock and Roll Horror is the theme for this episode. We watched two very different but very good films: "The Lords of Salem" (2012) and "Green Room" (2015). Spoilers Start around 8:55.
Patchwork & They’re Watching
Our theme for this episode: Comedy Horror!! We watched Patchwork (2015) and They're Watching (2016), two comedy horror movies currently streaming on Netflix. Spoilers start around 5:35.