Holiday Horror!! Just in time for the holidays, we offer our reviews of two Christmas horror movies: Better Watch Out (2017) and The Children (2008). Enjoy!! Spoilers Start around 3:30

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The Wicker Man & Midsommar
Folk Horror is the general theme for this episode which pairs the 1973 The Wicker Man with the 2019 Midsommar. Spoilers Start around 4:10
Alien & Event Horizon
What's better than a normal horror movie? A horror movie set in outer space!! Check out our reviews of this double feature with Alien (1979) and Event Horizon (1997). Spoilers start around 12 minutes in.
Goosebumps 2 & The House with the Clock in its Walls
For this episode you can pick from three themes: 1) Jack Black Movies; 2) Family Friendly Horror; 3) Film versions of YA Novels. Check out our reviews of two films from 2018 "Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween" and "The House with a Clock in its Walls". Spoilers start...
2019 Year in Review
After a bit of a hiatus and a year of horror double features, we take a look back at the past year and offer our top 10 and bottom 5 films of the year. This whole episode is nothing but spoilers - sorry.
The Innocents & Kuntilanak
Do you like horror films with children? What about children threatened by ghosts and demons? Check out our review of two very different films: The Innocents (1961) and Kuntilanak (2006).