Ah evil children!!! So many films, so little time. For this episode our theme is "Return of the Evil Children" as we revisit the Omen Franchise with the 1978 Damien: Omen II and pair it with the 2019 film The Hole in the Ground. Spoilers start around 4:10.

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Killer Klowns from Outer Space & Killjoy
How terrifying are clowns? Check out our review of Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) and Killjoy (2000) - two clown-centric horror films, that do not involve Pennywise. Spoilers start around 3:10.
The Satanic Rites of Dracula & Horror Express
For this episode our theme is focused on two actors: Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. While they were in many movies together we chose The Satanic Rites of Dracula aka Count Dracula and His Vampire Bride (1973) and Horror Express (1972). Spoilers start around 6:00.
Salem’s Lot & We are the Night
Do you like vampires? What kind? There are tons of different types of vampires from sparkly skinned to rave-loving party lovers and everything in between. For this episode we looked at two very different vampire films: the 1979 miniseries Salem's Lot based on Stephen...
Saw 3D & Jigsaw
And with this episode we come to the end of the Saw franchise. Check out our review of Saw 3D (aka Saw: The Final Chapter, aka Saw 7) from 2010 and Jigsaw, which came out in 2017.
The Omen & The Prodigy
Our theme for this episode: Evil Children!! I feel like this has been our theme before - maybe because there are so many films with evil children? Or maybe because children are evil? Who can say?? Check out our reviews of the 1976 film The Omen, which we have paired...